Prostitution : Pimp
Marriage : Government
Note: Government is the pimp of all marriage. Marriage is a prostitution where government is the pimp.
Marriage : Centralized Planning
Prostitution: Free Market
Note: Marriage is prostitution governed by the states
Socialists : Capitalists
Libertarian : Politicians
Note: Socialists believe that disparity of wealth shouldn’t exist and even if it does, it shouldn’t matter in deciding happiness, sexual selection, reproductive success, or life expectancy. Libertarians believe that disparity of coercive power shouldn’t exist and even if it does, shouldn’t matter in deciding happiness, sexual selection, reproductive success, or life expectancy. Socialists think that it’s not his fault that he ended up with 5 kids and no money after picking up english as major. Libertarians think that it’s not his fault, that he’s outvoted, after he failed to make 5 kids and not desperate enough for money.
Import : Tariff
Mail order sugar babies : Anti Women Trafficking Laws
Note: The main result of anti women trafficking laws, and hence the intent, is to protect ugly women in rich countries from having to compete with cheaper competitors mass produced more cheaply abroad. Another side effect is more income for politicians.
Advertising : Hidden Terms
Porn : Burqha
Note: Superior products advertise itself. Huge amount of value difference between buyers and sellers allow bigger advertising costs. Inferior products demand prohibition of advertising.
Jews : concentration camp
Rich males : Marriage
Note: In both cases they suck your money, force you to do slave labor till you die slow agonizing death.
What’s the other one
jews : nazi
porn star : feminazis
Note: The left is genetically superior than the right. The left get screwed by the right out of envy.
Women : Engineering
CEO : Floor moping
The kind of CEO that do floor moping jobs are the incompetent ones.
Analogy Games is a post from: Free Market Forever