I am always suspicious that there is a strong connection between economy and politic.
Before slaves are the only way to get things done better. So incentive to support slavery is high.
Then industrialization run high and low paid workers can get paid higher. More and more capitalists find it easier to just pay workers than enslave them. Obviously those workers want it too. Unfortunately, those workers can’t just move out. So there are bigger forces that want them to eliminate slavery. Either through democracy or through civil wars, those 2 forces fight and slavery is gone.
Slavery is not really gone. Slavery in a sense of menial workers forced to pick cottons are gone. But lifetime alimony is also slavery. Income tax is also slavery.
But perhaps history can repeat again.
Before, women are so valuable that men can only get them by trapping them into marriage system. In fact, in ancient societies, men pretty much rape women and all societies care is whether the man is responsible enough to marry her afterward.
This obviously hurt the interests of women and men with better offers. So rape and marry culture, which is pretty much slavery, is getting more politically incorrect and now it’s gone.
Nowadays, relationship between women and men with better offers are often criminalized. In western civilization monogamy norms ensure that the poorest dumbest males can get laid to. In muslim countries prohibition of all sex outside marriage ensures that women and men are trapped into marriage.
Many women prefer to be sugar babies of richer males than marrying a poorer males the way voters’ wish. However, the deal is borderline illegal.
Look at:
While no body get arrested yet for being a sugar baby, perception that it’s illegal alone already turn of many people.
There are so many prohibition against various sex outside marriage that most people are pretty much forced to get married to stay in the gene pool.
Then disparity of wealth happen. There are plenty of men that are willing to pay women to be their mistress far bigger than a husband can do. Many beautiful (who care about the ugly) women obviously want them too.
So there are bigger and bigger incentive to decriminalize relationship between one rich males to many young beautiful girls outside governments’ control. Emerging Sugar babies relationship in US is a sample of those tolerance.
Feminists insist that marriage terms are extremely dangerous for rich males that fewer and fewer people want to get married.
So slowly, marriage trap is deteriorating and most people simply don’t get married. So marriage, like slavery is gone.
The same way with income tax and big government. In ancient time, the only way to get rich is to tax the people. Now we can get rich consensually too by hiring people rather than taxing people. We can think of capitalists bosses are competing with political bosses. Many capitalists can pay workers more than welfare checks. Obviously workers like that too. But welfare trap prevent those workers from working.
Obviously those capitalists bosses want workers to join their side. So as we get more and more prosper there are bigger and bigger demands for more freedom.
At the end, the world is getting more and more free as the results.
Something along that.
Can Economy Theory Explains Elimination of Poverty is a post from: Free Market Forever
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