Why Marriage is like Concentration Camp?
In mid 20th century there was these highly industrious smart, productive, funny, ancient and wise people called the jews. They’re endangered species now. These people underestimated their government’s...
View ArticlePerhaps atheists are the only one truly save from comitting idolatry
Perhaps we are all idolatrous. Nowadays, people worship images of God in their mind. In ancient time, idolaters are people that make images of God or gods. Just like ancient people craft statues and...
View ArticleRomance is the Second Most Dangerous Religion in the World
There is a fascist religion in western world called romance. These delusional people think that 1. Men and women have roughly equal utility function that they roughly want the same thing and capable to...
View ArticleCan Economy Theory Explains Elimination of Poverty
I am always suspicious that there is a strong connection between economy and politic. Before slaves are the only way to get things done better. So incentive to support slavery is high. Then...
View ArticleTribal War Games Teach Real Politic
I think everybody should play tribal wars. Imagine a world without religion and God. Imagine a world without morality? Obviously most of us are not crazy enough to insist that we have to follow...
View ArticleAnalogy Games
1. Prostitution : Pimp Marriage : Government Note: Government is the pimp of all marriage. Marriage is a prostitution where government is the pimp. 2. Marriage : Centralized Planning Prostitution: Free...
View ArticlePlease Exploit me oh Capitalists
Because paypal exploits their employees their employees have their own business. It’s human nature to exploit and take advantage of each other. Capitalistic exploitation is the most profitable...
View ArticleThree ways to see assholes
Actually there are 3 ways to see assholes 1. Assholes 2. He’s not an asshole, you’re the one that’s too dumb 3. Actually the asshole is right all along. It’s the way the game should be played in the...
View ArticleViolation of Freedom of Speech?
But that being said, and this is the reason why I am not fully libertarian, perhaps violation of freedom of speech, prohibiting gum, and stuff is what it truly takes to maintain stability in a country...
View ArticleThe biggest problem of slavery
That actually leads to it’s downfall is that slavery prevents workers from picking the highest bidder. Finally both slaves and higher paying capitalists have enough power to end slavery. Slavery was...
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